Friday, May 9, 2008

They Did!

Of course they did. We're talking about the Feds here. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel though as Mr. B did change his rhetoric slightly and hinted that the easing of interest rates may be ending. Not to sure if I believe that as the big bubble may break soon. What bubble are we talking about? Stay tuned for some very interesting info regarding the bubble that is about to burst and make whats happened recently look very mild!

What's all this have to do with forex for profits? As most all you know I no longer post trades on this blog as I believe it is better to teach would be traders a bit about forex. The only way to be successful in this business is to learn. In the long run this what makes a successful trader, this is the difference between success and failure in the currency markets. A good understanding of the fundamentals behind currency trading and the forex markets makes for a better trader. Plus I like to vent about the inadequate US Fed strategies, it keeps me from getting to pissed off!

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